Political Fix (19 September, 2019)

Who will ValleyCrats vote for? The pool of Democratic presidential candidates is among the largest and most diverse in the history of primaries in the United States and this time California actually has a say who that nominee might be. Do you know who you are going to vote for on March 3? Though the […]

Political Fix (5 September, 2019)

Tripling Down on Trump I’m just going to say it. Trump is going to lose in 2020. No one is willing to say it out loud because of what happened in 2016. When the political pundits and polls predicted Hilary Clinton would win no one knew of the extent of Russian involvement in our election […]

Political Fix (1 August, 2019)

Rich? Yes, Smart? No Everyone knows California is one of the largest economies in the world, rivaling England for fifth place. We are rich, trend setting, diverse, scenic, innovative and have a $30 billion or so surplus in our state’s general and rainy day fund. But as the saying goes, money doesn’t always buy happiness […]

Political Fix (4 July, 2019)

The Shakedown of Hanford Vice-Mayor John Draxler Part II – The Money Game On June 5 Hanford resident Skip Athey posted an article on facebook. The article had just been released by Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) an evangelical law group, concerning Hanford Vice Mayor John Draxler’s evicting a widow for her religious activities. I was […]

Political Fix (20 June, 2019)

The Shakedown of Hanford Vice-Mayor John Draxler In February an 85-year old Hanford resident of Windgate Village Apartments, Diana Martin, was allegedly evicted from her home of 14 years by Windgate owner Vice-Mayor of Hanford John Draxler. According to Ms. Martin’s lawyer, Mathew McReynolds of the Pacific Justice Institute (PJI), Ms. Martin was evicted by […]

Political Fix (6 June, 2019)

Turning Back the Blue Wave Republicans have set their sights on winning back the seven California congressional seats they lost in 2018 and sending President Donald Trump back to Washington in 2020. Congressional District 21, formerly held by David Valadao, is a primary target. Congress Member TJ Cox won the district by only 1000 votes […]

Political Fix (2 May, 2019)

Facing Unpleasant Facts – A Cow’s Crisis The barn took on an orange hue as the last sliver of sun dipped below the horizon. It was the end of another perfect spring day in Iowa. But not for Daisy. Life is never easy when you are #DevinNunesCow. Her politically connected owner had always given her […]

Political Fix (4 April, 2019)

SLAPP Happy I do not know how many people drive the length of Highway 198 that unfurls onto the peaceful winding road through Priest Valley when traveling to Monterey, but it is my preferred route. Along the way you will skirt Westlands, the largest agriculture water district in the United States, Harris Cattle Ranch, that […]