Political Fix (18 August, 2016)

Want to Make Some Major Bucks Without a Real Job? Remember Christine “I’m not a witch” O’Donnell? She ran in the 2010 mid-term election as Senator for Delaware to fill Joe Biden’s seat. She was one of those long-shot, Tea Party candidates who won in the Republican primary but got clobbered in the November general […]

Political Fix (4 August, 2016)

The Local Election Scene The Tulare County Registrar of Voters has put out a preliminary list of who has filed papers to run in the November election. Those interested in running have until August 12 to file, so many more prospective candidates will be coming forward. If no incumbent files, the nomination period for that […]

Political Fix (21 July, 2016)

Straight Lives Matter Did you know that July is International Heterosexual Month? It’s chock full of activities such as a straight pride parade and a Straight Pride Day. July is when heterosexuals are encouraged to come out of the closet and declare freedom for all straights around the world. They can finally celebrate the right […]

Political Fix (7 July, 2016)

A Made for TV Presidential Election The word chaos has become synonymous with Donald Trump. Some headlines include, “Chaos and disaster in campaign manager’s firing.” “Trump campaign – an organized circus of chaos.” “A Donald Trump presidency would be chaos.” And being the Reality Television star that he is, every time I hear the word […]

Political Fix (16 June, 2016)

Hindsight is 20/20. It was an exciting finish to a very contentious primary election. In State Assembly District 26, incumbent Devon Mathis and Democrat Ruben Macareno advanced to the runoff in November. Dennis Smith and Kuyler Crocker advanced to a runoff for Tulare County Supervisor District 1. Amy Shuklian won outright for Tulare County Supervisor […]

Political Fix (2 June, 2016)

Prediction for the 2016 June Primary The three local contests to be decided on June 7 are California State Assembly District 26, and Tulare County Supervisor Districts 1 and 3. The top two vote getters for the State Assembly and Supervisor District 1 will go on to the general election in November. Tulare County Board […]

Political Fix (19 May, 2016)

Happy World Press Freedom Day! I bet you didn’t know that May 3 was World Press Freedom Day. The Secretary General of the United Nations had this to say, “On this World Press Freedom Day, I urge all Governments, politicians, businesses and citizens to commit to nurturing and protecting an independent, free media. Without this fundamental […]

Political Fix (5 May, 2016)

Hi Steve! Online comments to hot news stories are pretty entertaining. People speak candidly online, saying what journalists can’t say in print or relate unproven rumors that everyone knows are true. Sometimes the comments further the arguments or enlighten the reader, and sometimes they are used as anonymous attacks. In the harshest cases those attacks […]

Political Fix (21 April, 2016)

The Tail Wagging the Dog How do elected officials navigate the treacherous waters of accepting big business donations without having to return the favor? Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders is slamming Hilary Clinton daily about Wall Street’s donating to her campaign. She claims to be hard on Wall Street and wants stricter regulations. Mr. Sanders says […]

Political Fix (7 April, 2016)

Why are Walnut Trees in Political Fix? Visalia City Council just voted April 4 to appropriate $105,000 to plant walnut trees in the city’s Scenic Corridor. This is in addition to the $58,000 that has already been spent. There are very good reasons to plant walnut trees in Visalia’s Scenic Corridor and there are some […]