Political Fix (4 July, 2024)

If the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity handed down July 1 had instead been made before President Richard Nixon’s second term – he would not have stepped down. Watergate would not be part of our political landscape, and the American people would be none the wiser about what he did. The United States President […]

Political Fix (7 January, 2022)

Take this job and shove it – A wrap up of the year 2021 It’s the anniversary of the January 6 riots on our capitol, but the number I can’t get out of my head is 21.4 million. That’s how many people have quit their jobs since July, the highest number since the Bureau of […]

Political Fix (2 April, 2020)

Take a break from the news and fill out the Census. Our household has received letters and postcards concerning the census with a stern message, “Your response is required by law.” The first envelop that landed in our mail box was the actual survey with reminder and information notices following. Needing no outside motivation, I […]

Political Fix (19 March, 2020)

Post-mortem: 2020 Primary The only person surprised by March 3rd’s Primary was candidate for State Assembly District 32 Todd Cotta. By election night he had only been campaigning for 60 days and said that anything he got would be gravy. Well, he got more than gravy. He ended up with almost 60% of the vote […]

Political Fix (5 March, 2020)

Election Hangover It’s Super Tuesday and everyone is anxiously awaiting election watch parties and all the election returns. Then I land back to earth finding that both Fresno and Tulare Counties are experiencing problems at their polling places. It’s going to be a long night. The Tulare County Registrar of Voters reported that some voting […]

Political Fix (20 February, 2020)

Primary Predictions 2020 It’s Super Tuesday March 3 and the local races have turned out to be as exciting as the Primary. As of February 18 only 5.7% of Californians had returned their mail-in ballot and most of those are Republicans. That’s because Democrats are watching the debates and primary returns before voting to see […]