Re: Two for the Road

Mr. Oldenbourg, I have always enjoyed reading the Valley Voice in the past, it always had excellent articles on not only the history of the Valley, but it also kept up with the current news. Since the Valley Voice got a second chance at life, I have noticed that a certain view or opinion seems […]

Budget Realignment Reflects Pentagon’s Vision of Covert and Endless War

The Pentagon’s budget proposal for next year was announced last week by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel. In an interview with The New York Times, Hagel argued that to meet today’s national security needs, the Department of Defense (DoD) must shift its focus and capabilities away from “fighting grinding ground conflicts” and towards “new arenas […]

How to Present Your Home to Prospective Buyers

So, you’ve finally chosen a Realtor to list your home—now what? Most Realtors will guide you through the home selling process with organization and timeliness. Occasionally, though, details are overlooked. Beyond the paperwork needing to be completed, there is now a necessity to prepare your home for newfound attention. Photographs, open houses, and showings are […]

The Secret to Eternal Life

For countless thousands of years, humankind has run, jumped, swam and thrown things all in an effort either to procure food or else keep from becoming it. Walking upright, in fact–and all the activity that allows–is a signature characteristic of our species. I would even argue that we appreciate athletic excellence not merely for competition’s […]

Response to Tulare County

In response to the Valley Voice’s article on the “County Responds to Mooney Grove Cat Controversy,” Dr. Weber, a TNR volunteer, had these comments: Supervisor Cox was offended that the county was portrayed as all we want to do is kill cats, which is far from the truth. What is the truth? As has been […]

Rethinking Medical Marijuana

Recently, medical marijuana has been repeatedly attacked in both local media in Tulare, and even statewide. We often will read in the paper, or watch mindlessly on our TV screens, disinformation that teaches us of apparent “inherent violence” in the medical marijuana community. What a lot of these stories being run are not telling you […]