Letter: President refuses to negotiate

Who will “blink” first in this “government shut-down” (of 17% of what the government normally spends in the name of the people)? Will it be the Speaker of the House John Boehner? Will it be the President giving orders to the Senate Majority Leader of Congress, Harry Reid, who he has controlled from the beginning? […]

Letter: Congress must act responsibly

Once again, right-wing lawmakers in Congress have shown how disconnected they are from the needs of people in Tulare County. From forcing our nation into a federal government shutdown, engaging in futile votes to defund the Affordable Care Act, and approaching the debt ceiling deadline that’s just a week away, right-wing lawmakers are lurching from […]

Where’s Lincoln When You Need Him?

To tolerate in silence and endure these freakin’ bigots is itself akin to violence– let’s cork these leakin’ spigots. Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on the first of January, 1863, in a time vastly more difficult than we endure today. We call it the Civil War. This year, merely droning, President Obama declared June […]

The Curse of Strawberry Canyon

In Strawberry Canyon in days of yore, our sturdy eleven could run up the score. But now a wanion hangs over our fellows– and not even Heaven can make gold out of yellow. Football is back–particularly for me, college football. Perhaps nowhere else in American sport is there so ballyhooed and comprehensive a tradition. This […]

Proposed Fee Structure at Odds with Business Climate

Sustained and thoughtful effort is given to public sector process changes that seek to meet mandates passed down through state of California regulations and to cover the necessary costs to get the work done. These changes are made with a focus on local residents, the economy and the changing requirements that must be met. However, […]

The View from the North Shore

The surrounding greenery a proscenium to this view, from my feet upward: tan, green, cobalt, grey, white, sky blue. A rippling, sun-dappled sea offering the sudden flash of a tiny breaker dashing spray upon jagged rock. The horizon, azure, flat as a razor beneath pale roiling cloud where, momentarily, the partial arc of a rainbow […]

Republicans Chip Away at Democrats’ Supermajority

How does a Republican, middle-aged white guy win an election in a majority Hispanic and Democratic district? Quite handily it seems. Andy Vidak won 52.2% of the vote in the 16th Senate District (SD16) Special Election on July 23rd. With Vidak’s victory, Republicans are chipping away at the Democrat’s supermajority in both houses of California’s […]

Eisenhower and Me

Last month, our inaugural edition debuted a day early, on the 5th, and by the next day, by request, was on its way to France. I remain proud of our accomplishment, but to be honest, felt more like Eisenhower, on another sixth of June, 69 years ago. The paper was a success, sure, but would […]