Political Fix (17 May, 2018)

Primary Predictions We are on the cusp of the hotly anticipated midterm elections as voters mail in their ballots for the June 5 Primary. Primaries used to portend lower voter participation. But those on the front lines of the current political landscape say they have never seen this level of engagement. This is the first […]

Political Fix (3 May, 2018)

Muddy Waters Primary Predictions, set for the next issue, will analyze such topics as: what will be the margin between Congressman Devin Nunes and his Democratic competitors? Will Assemblyman Devon Mathis survive the primary? Can candidate Matt Darby pull off the impossible and beat incumbent District Attorney Tim Ward? But before the next issue I […]

DA Ward is pay-to-play, opponent claims

Matt Darby, a candidate for Tulare County District Attorney (TCDA) and his supporters claim Tim Ward, the incumbent, engages in “pay to play politics.” Ward’s supporters claim Darby is playing just that – politics. Voters will have their say June 5. Darby has highlighted three cases where Ward allegedly used his position as District Attorney […]

Devon Mathis’ former chief of staff files suit against him, assembly

Sean Doherty filed suit April 14 in the Sacramento County Superior Court against the California State Assembly, the Assembly Rules Committee, several Assembly Human Resource Officers and his old boss, Assemblyman Devon Mathis. He is suing Mathis and the Assembly for wrongful termination, breach of contract and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress. Sources […]

Political Fix (18 April, 2018)

Will Ryan’s Retirement affect Nunes’ Reelection? Congressman Paul Ryan’s retirement as Speaker of the House could mean good news or bad news for Congressman Devin Nunes. The bad news is Mr. Ryan’s retirement shakes the foundation of the Republican Party and puts into question President Donald Trump’s innocence. The good news is maybe Mr. Nunes […]

Why are these men free?

The names in this article have been changed to protect the victims. The first week of November 2017 Frasier decided to come out to his family. He had been sexually abused as a child from the age of eight to 10 years old, and the #MeToo movement gave him the strength to name his abuser. […]

Political Fix (5 April, 2018)

Vote Early and Vote Often During the March 15 Tulare County District Attorney (DA)Forum the moderator, Dennis Smith, talked about a strange happening during his campaign for Tulare County Supervisor. In 2016, he competed against seven highly qualified candidates for District 1, where the top two candidates from the June primary proceeded to the general […]

Tulare cemetery moving forward

There was an unfamiliar sound coming from the Tulare Public Cemetery District Meeting, the sound of laughter. Between the public taking one last opportunity to get old complaints off its chest, and the occasional joke coming from the normally stoic Trustee Alberto Aguilar, Tulare Public Cemetery District got its groove back. Xavier Avila, the newest […]