County Employees Get Closer to a Deal

On Monday July 7, Tulare County employee negotiators and Shelline Bennett, the lawyer representing the county, returned to the negotiating table. All the employees’ hard work, outreach and testimonies paid off as the county offered a one-year contract with a 3% raise. The county employees then made an undisclosed counteroffer that Bennett was supposed to […]

Political Fix (3 July, 2014)

Pete McCracken – More than a City Council Member It was a sad day in Porterville when Renaissance Man, Pete McCracken, passed away June 21st. Mr. McCracken had just been re-elected to his third term on the Porterville City Council. Being on the city council, and having served as mayor, were just two of Mr. […]

Anyone Can Be a Medium

A wise man once said that you teach what you need to learn. Michelle Tedrow is the poster child for that saying. After her brother died, she had a spiritual awakening and decided it was her calling to become a medium. She read the best books on the subject and sought out the advice of […]

Is My Husband Still with Me?

This is Part II of the series “Speaking to the Dead – Are Mediums Real?” Losing a husband or wife is one of the main reasons that someone will seek out a medium. The following is Valeria’s session with medium Michelle Tedrow. Valeria lost her husband last November, and then the grandmother who raised her […]

Political Fix (19 June, 2014)

Primary Predictions In the May 15th issue of the Valley Voice, I published my predictions for the June 3rd primary. I made predictions for the first and second place winners for six races, and first place winners for District Attorney and Sheriff. Out of my fourteen predictions I got twelve correct. Of the two predictions […]