New Lenders to Focus on Agribusiness, Large Commercial Loans and the Hispanic Business Community

Following the recent announcement that it has raised $13.5 million in new capital, Suncrest Bank announced that it has hired three new loan officers to focus on Agribusiness, Large Commercial Loans and the Hispanic Business Community. Mike Flynn joins Suncrest as manager of its Agribusiness Division focused on developing the bank’s farming and agriculture portfolio […]

Ceremony to Play the Cellar Door

Ceremony will headline a Friday, June 12 Cellar Door show, with Tony Molina playing a middle slot and Creative Adult opening the evening. Rohnert Park, California band Ceremony has built a strong following based on the power of their modern punk sound. On their new Matador Records album “The L-Shaped Man,” the band has dug […]

Kaweah Delta Facing 2030 Deadline

Expand and refit, or go out of business. That’s the choices faced by the Kaweah Delta Medical Center. In 1994, the magnitude-6.7 Northridge Earthquake shook Southern California, leaving devastation in its wake. Among the buildings damaged or destroyed were 11 of the area’s hospitals, rendering them unable to care for the wounded, as well as […]

Things To See and Do When Visiting the State Capital

Sacramento, a short drive or flight away, isn’t just for politicians. Dubbed “America’s most diverse city,” Sacramento is host to hundreds of years’ worth of history, a vibrant arts community, and more. Below is a hand-picked list of recommendations for things to do and places to see: California Automobile Museum, 2200 Front Street – […]

TCAC Holds Ordinance Meetings

Tulare County Animal Control (TCAC) is planning changes to their policies, procedures and county ordinances regarding the way that division of Tulare County Health and Human Services Agency interfaces with the pet owners of Tulare County. Residents of unincorporated areas of Tulare County can expect to hear about proposed changes to Tulare County Animal Control […]

Tulare Regional Turns Around

Tulare Regional Medical Center (TRMC) is firmly back in the black. The once financially beleaguered health care district announced that March’s revenue marks 12 straight profitable months in a row. The accomplishment comes as work continues on its once-stalled expansion project, a four-story tower that now stands partially completed, and in the wake of the […]