USDA: Organic Farms Connect Consumers with their Food

Certified organic agriculture producers in the United States sell directly to consumers, produce on-farm renewable energy, and are younger and beginning farmers more often than conventional producers, according to new 2012 Census of Agriculture data released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). Conducted only once every five years, the agriculture […]

TCAG Hosts Successful Fall Policy Conference

On October 1-3, the Tulare County Association of Governments (TCAG) hosted the 10th Annual Fall Policy Conference at the Visalia Convention Center. Nearly 175 public officials, transportation experts, planners, engineers, consultants and students descended on the convention center for two days of the latest and greatest ideas in the field of transportation and planning, networking […]

Arts Visalia to Take Art to the Streets

When one thinks of an art exhibit, one usually has an expectation of sterile gallery walls – an institutionalized, bureaucratized world where creative expression is reserved for the elite few, the indoctrinated professional artists. With “Taking Art to the Streets,” Arts Visalia looks to upset that notion a bit by involving the public directly in […]