How Greene Was My Valley

How Greene Was My Valley Tony Maldonado, Dave Adalian and I have been hard at the oars now for the better part of two years regarding the doings at Tulare Regional Medical Center (TRMC). It was with some surprise, then–and no small relish–that, before the 7 September issue, I watched the Chief take sudden umbrage […]

Matador With A Toothpick

This is the 100th edition of the Valley Voice since the Chief and I took ownership of it more than four years ago. I don’t know what–if anything–we’ve accomplished during that time. I’ll let our readers decide. But let me describe the experience. Operating a newspaper during this era of their contraction and decline is […]

Delenda Est Carlton

The ancient Romans, if you remember your history, had a few kerfuffles with Carthage, a city-state on the north coast of Africa. Cato the Elder famously–and repeatedly–called for its destruction, thus the lingering phrase, “Delenda est Carthago.” Carthage must be destroyed. I’m not calling for the destruction of Tulare Mayor Carlton Jones. That wouldn’t be […]

Where’s Wardo?

The Valley Voice has been keenly covering the doings at Tulare Regional Medical Center (TRMC) because the hospital is a public–therefore governmental–entity. When board members are sworn in, for instance, they take an oath to preserve and defend both the national and state constitutions. We reported on the seismic realignment with a new medical executive […]

The Three Fusketeers

And now it is revealed that, in a classic dangle, Donald Trump, Jr., his brother in-law, Jared Kushner, and former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort accepted a meeting with Russian operatives last year for the expressed purpose of receiving stolen information damaging to Hillary Clinton’s presidential aspirations. This has been defended as opposition research–which would […]

Impeachment and Cream

If we take the last year–from last July to the end of June this year, say, as in a fiscal year–I’d have to acknowledge that the ledger is lavishly splashed with red. The blood-red of injury, of loss, and the blood, sweat and tears of emergency. “How do I love thee? [This past year] Let […]