Farmers brace for water cuts to help river

As the Colorado River water crisis deepens amid withering drought in the West, Imperial Valley growers with historic rights to water from the river are making calculations on whether to farm or fallow. This month, the Imperial Irrigation District, which supplies Colorado River water to farmers in America’s largest growing region for winter vegetables, joined […]

Study: Pesticide restrictions would spike lettuce costs

California’s farmers, ranchers and agricultural businesses produce more than 400 commodities as America’s leading food providers. But a new economic study on lettuce production indicates that California’s farm output would shrink, and food prices would rise without commonly used pesticides. A preliminary report by ERA Economics, a Davis-based consultancy specializing in the economics of agriculture […]

Newsom cuts deal and signs union card-check bill

Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed legislation that will allow unions to collect signed ballot or authorization cards to organize farm employees in lieu of holding secret ballot elections for union certification. California agricultural groups say Newsom’s signing of Assembly Bill 2183 last week as well as a supplemental accord with the United Farm Workers Union […]

Crops fallowed, herds reduced as drought deepens

California farmers and ranchers affected by a third consecutive year of drought and related emergency curtailments of water deliveries have planted fewer acres, fallowed fields or reduced livestock herds to make it through the season. Siskiyou County rancher Ryan Walker, president of the county’s Farm Bureau, said farmers affected by emergency water curtailments—readopted in July […]

Farm, business groups call for action on water projects

Agriculture and business groups are imploring Gov. Gavin Newsom and the Legislature to set clear goals for boosting water storage and supplies as the drought threatens to cripple California’s food, energy and housing sectors. “Our existing water system can no longer deliver the water necessary to sustain the world’s fifth-largest economy,” the California Farm Bureau […]

Carbonization & Biochar symposium presents sustainable solutions for California growers

PYREG, a German company focused on net zero technology, will host a symposium presenting the benefits of carbonization and biochar to California growers on July 13, at the International Agri-Center®, in Tulare, CA. The event will provide a day of education to demonstrate an ancient method of addressing today’s agricultural challenges. “This is not a […]