I Was Not Always a Muslim

This is the second in the series of articles I commissioned my old friend to write on her special perspective of Islam. — Ed. I was not always a Muslim. I never in my wildest imagination thought that I would end up converting to Islam. I was perfectly happy in my Christian beliefs and traditions, […]

VA Disability Ratings

There are many benefits available to veterans from both state and federal agencies. Many of these benefits are only available to veterans with service-connected disabilities. The Veterans Administration (VA) determines the level of disability using a rating system. Veterans are rated at 0% to 100% disabled depending on the severity of their disabilities. You must […]

Urban Water Conservation: Another Alternative

Lester Snow’s recent editorial, “Drought Serves as Wake-up Call for Major Changes” (Sacramento Bee, July 11), invites renewed focus on “improved urban water conservation.” California statutes mandate re-use of tertiary treated wastewater by urban communities within their jurisdictions. Re-use of tertiary treated wastewater from de-centralized treatment facilities for purposes that do not require potable water […]

What’s In A Name?

Tulare Union High School has used the Redskin name for over 100 years and now if legislation is passed in Sacramento the school will need to find a new name for its mascot or a new mascot all together. The California Racial Mascots Act (AB 30) would force a ban of the name. All points […]

I’m “No Goat”

Disease. Pests. Broken Promises. Property Values. Hostage Taking. Those are 5 issues every homeowner should consider as a group called “Urban Farmers for Food Freedom” seeks changes in city regulations to allow people to keep 10 agricultural animals running free in their back yards. They are preparing to circulate a petition to force an election […]