Immigrants living in fear – spark protests in Visalia over detentions

A raucous demonstration that started around noon today was still going strong at 5:00pm on the corner of Mooney and Caldwell. The demonstrators were  protesting border patrol raids and the detention of immigrants up and down the Central Valley.

About 200 demonstrators lined Mooney Boulevard in Visalia waving Mexican flags, holding signs condemning Elon Musk, and affirming their contribution to the American economy. Sympathizers honked and waved at the demonstrators and cars and trucks drove up and down Mooney waiving Mexican flags.

There was a heavy police presence keeping a lane open on the side walk and pulling over drivers who were speeding or doing doughnuts in the intersection.

The Visalia Police posted on facebook  around 3:00pm, “The Visalia Police Department is aware of and actively monitoring the peaceful protest at the intersection of Mooney Boulevard and Caldwell Avenue. The department confirms its commitment to supporting the event’s peaceful nature and ensuring the safety of all participants, bystanders, and traffic. We encourage participants to stay on the sidewalk and avoid the center median to ensure the safety of all involved. We are working closely with the event organizers to ensure the protest remains safe, orderly, and non-disruptive. Our priority is to maintain public safety while respecting the constitutional rights of all involved.”

The demonstration was prompted by immigration agents and  Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) making unannounced raids detaining hundreds of people from Bakersfield to Stockton.

According to an article published January 16 in the Fresno Bee, “living in fear is the reality for undocumented immigrants in the Central Valley as unannounced raids by border patrol agents last week left over 190 people detained.”

More immigrants have been detained since.

Manuel Cunha, president of the Niesei Farmers League, told the Bee.”It started down in El Centro with Border Patrol, ICE and DHS, Department of Homeland Security. And then they proceeded to Bakersfield. Then proceeded north. They came up to the Tulare area and into Carruthers, which is in Fresno and the Orange Cove area. Ivanhoe area, and then proceeded even further north to Madera. Up to Stockton, and then finally ending up in Sacramento.”

Cunha said ICE and DHS targeted shopping centers, gas stations and hardware stores asking people for work permits. He added that now people are scared to leave their house or go to work.

Tulare County Ag Commissioner Tom Tucker was quoted by the Bee, “Personnel shortages in the farming community can be almost devastating if you will,” Tucker said.

Tucker explains the agricultural industry could feel a hit if people don’t feel safe coming to work.

“You don’t come in and just start hauling off people to destroy the economy. If you do that to farming. It’s over for the food chain. It’s over for the food chain,” Cunha told the Fresno Bee.

Elizabeth Strater, Director of Strategic Campaigns for the UFW added that the fear still persists among those without authorization to work in the country, but they must keep working to support themselves and their families. “People will keep working and also make plans for what to do if they don’t come home,” she said. “What these workers need is relief from the fear while they continue to work to put food on our tables.”

4 thoughts on “Immigrants living in fear – spark protests in Visalia over detentions

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  1. If you hear illegal, you should be sent back if you came across the border illegal you should be sent back and never come back over here. People that comes across the border. Should do it legal.

      How were you so hurt by people working and paying taxes? These people are our friends and neighbors.

  2. So much hatred, negativity and uproar over the undocumented being here doing the jobs that most of you will not consider doing; too much hard physical labor, working conditions too hazardous, pay is too low, no benefits, etc. and instead will elect to apply for unemployment living off the dole. Your distain isn’t really about being here illegally, it’s about being “the other”.

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