The Real Mooney Grove Project reschedules Easter Event

Mary Bryant President CEO has  announced “Our Fundraiser for Easter Sunday at Mooney Grove Park, An Easter Storybook Event, April 12, has been cancelled by County and Park officials. All events at Mooney Grove Park, at least thru April 30, will be rescheduled if possible. The park will be closed entire Easter weekend.

According to Bryant, “We will reschedule for Easter 2021.”

Bryant reported that they are waiting for final approval for another fundraiser scheduled for September.

A “Celebrity” fun event with a special 1920’s theme. It’s the 100 the anniversary of the Veterans Freedom Bridge at the park,” said Bryant.

Designed in 1919 and finished 1920, The Bridge has been repaired before in 1995, but sadly has fallen into disrepair again.

All proceeds from the fundraiser go towards maintenance and restoring Mooney Grove Park.

Bryant said, “We have been busy writing proposals for repairs and restoring the park. The sidewalks around the park’s lake are a major safety hazard.”

Other proposals include repairing waterfalls on island and system to help circulate and clean the water, geese deterrents ,  and cleaning up the woodpile in back. Our “ Grow An Oak Tree” event with Elementary schools submitted last fall, was scheduled for approval at the next Parks Advisory Committee April 28, however the meeting was cancelled and new date to be announced.

“So much to do. Bringing  back the magical place…that once was…so very long ago,” said Bryant.

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