In the run-up to tomorrow’s election, in which voters in the Tulare Local Healthcare District’s Area 3 will decide on the recall of Dr. Parmod Kumar, three committees have been formed to sway voters and get their message out:
- Citizens for Hospital Accountability, a committee originally formed to oppose the Measure I property tax proposal,
- Parmod Kumar for TRMC Director Area 3 2017, formed to support Dr. Parmod Kumar (and by extension oppose the recall effort), and
- Residents for a Responsible Hospital, formed to oppose the recall (and originally support a recall candidate, though support was later withdrawn)
The three have raised large amounts of money — and even Healthcare Conglomerate Associates, the company contracted by the hospital district to run the hospital, has thrown $10,000 into the race.
Voters in Area 3 can head to the polls July 11 from 7am-8pm at the First Congregational Church, 220 W. Tulare Ave, and those unsure of their Area can click on the map above to enlarge; residents in the light blue area are the only ones able to vote Tuesday.
Want to dig deeper? View each group’s election filings at our Recall Election Finances page.
For twenty years, Dr Kumar has been telling us about his dream of building a great medical center and attracting young talented specialists to it. In reality however, TRMC has now become a joke, one of the worst hospitals in the state. The tower sits unfinished, millions of tax payer money wasted by the administration, and the latest company hired to finish it, has not been able to take even one step towards completing that task. TRMC has only managed to lose some of its specialists. It is constantly in the news for the wrong reasons, trying to deal with an avalanche of law suits and negative reports. Meanwhile the hospital 10 minutes to the north, is on a costant pace of expansion, adding new services and specialists, and affiliating itself with reputable medical schools. How many more years are you going to give Kumar/HCCA?
Thank you for speaking up. We want our hospital back from HCCA/Kumar. We wantal a board who care about the people not how much money they can get in their pockets. We know there are caring employees who have been scared to death to speak in fear of retaliation. Hang in there. VOTE YES TO RECALL KUMAR and YES to Senovia to replace him
It would be interesting to see if the major donors registered with the FPPC as required.
TRMC Employee ” a Joke”
Let me tell you the real truth
KDDH has no orthopedic doctors on call because they are all on strike
No Neuro, and they have to ship patients to Fresno Community
And the biggest joke of IT all is Lindsay Mann didn’t go on NO MISSION
HE WAS FIRED because measure H failed at KDDH
They do BRAIN SURGERY at KDDH, they do HEART SURGERY there. They do spine surgery and urologic surgery. They have a trauma center. They have residency programs, meaning they are good enough and large enough to train new doctors there.
At TRMC, we can’t even offer dialysis! There is a night and day difference between the two facilities. Please don’t embarrass yourself by making absurd statements.
We keep paying Benzeevi 3 million dollars a year for what? Has he finished the tower? NO
Has he procured funding for the tower? NO
Has he added services to TRMC? NO
Has he brought new specialists to the hospital? NO
Is he even giving TRMC his full time attention? NO
He is “managing” another hospital. It’s like a baseball team manager who then chooses to manage a second team at the same time.
People of Tulare deserve better than this incompetent thief.
TRMC employee you need to do your research because most of their traumas get transferred out. Brain surgery? Hmmm maybe you can get brain surgery there but I’d rather go to a hospital with more experience. They also had no GI on call after hours or on weekends and guess who they would call? That’s right Dr. Kumar. TRMC employee get your facts straight.