“Fearless Dick,” an original musical comedy written for the Barn Theater, is the story of our hero vs the town madame and despicable, comical characters. Includes adult humor. Runs Jan. 10-Feb. 2 at the Porterville Barn Theater, 42 S. Plano, Porterville. 559 310-7046 or www.portervillebarntheater.com
“The Little Mermaid,” Disney’s beloved musical, is presented by Redwood High School from Jan. 23-25 at L.J. Williams Theatre, 1101 W. Main, Visalia. Special tickets for a character meet & greet on Jan 25. 559 303-9644 or www.redwoodrangersdrama.ludus.com
“Between the Lines” is an enchanting new musical presented by Lindsay High School at the Lindsay Community Theater, 190 N. Elwood, Jan 31-Feb. 8. The story of an outsider at school whose world blurs between reality and her favorite book. 559 284-2223 or www.lindsaycommunitytheater.com
“A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream,” William Shakespeare’s comedy about four young lovers, runs Jan. 31-Feb. 15 at Encore Theatre, 324 South N St., Tulare. 559 686-1300 or www.encoretulare.org
“Elf, the Broadway Musical,” the hilarious and heartwarming tale of Buddy who is mistaken as an elf, will be performed by Green Acres Little Theater Feb. 6-8 at Rotary Theater, 330 S. Dollner, Visalia
Art shows
Arts Visalia shows Mirabel Wigon’s paintings of hope in this tumultuous world and works by the Visalia Senior Center painters from Feb.6-March 1. Open Wednesdays-Saturdays 12-5:30 p.m. 559 739-0905 or www.artsvisalia.org
Arts Consortium features ceramic vases by Antonion Cuellar painted by tattoo five artists. On display through February. Open during First Friday art walks and Tuesdays-Fridays 10-3. At 340 E. Oak, Visalia, in The Lofts at Fort Visalia. www.artsconsortium.org
Brandon-Mitchell Gallery hosts a photography show by Valley Photographers, a wide variety of newspaper, portrait, wildlife and sports photos. Open January and February during the First Friday Art Walks in Downtown, after service at 11:30 a.m. on Sundays and by appointment. 117 S. Locust, Visalia, 559 625-2441 or www.brandonmitchellgallery.org
College of the Sequoias Library is showing works by Audrey Barcio, Nancy Daly and Millian Giang Pham through February. 915 S. Mooney. Facebook: College of the Sequoias Art Gallery
Component Coffee, 513 E. Center, Visalia, is showing works by Bachrun LoMele through January. www.bachrunlomele.com
Tulare City Historical Museum presents its annual Tulare County Varied Impressions show with art depicting the people and places of Tulare County from Jan 9-Feb. 15. 444 W. Tulare Ave., Tulare. Open Thursdays-Saturdays 10-4. 559 686-2074 or www.tularehistoricalmuseum.org
The Center for Art, Culture and History in Exeter (CACHE) displays “Opposites Attract,” featuring representational art by local artist Arnie Jones and a group exhibit of abstract work, Jan. 11-March 30. Open Mon, Thurs, Fri 10-4 (closed 12-12:30) and Sat & Sun 12-4. 125 South B St. 559 592-5900 or www.cach-exeter.org
“Lindsay Pioneer Businesses Exhibit” is on display at the Lindsay Museum and Gallery, 165 N. Gale Hill, through February. Photographs of businesses that came and went during the town’s first 50 years. Open Fridays 12-4 p.m. [email protected]
Kings Art Center presents “Persian Calligraphy in Abstract” by Sacramento artist Hesam Sabetian Jan. 17-March 16. Open Wednesdays-Fridays 12-5 and Saturdays & Sundays 12-3. 605 N. Douty, Hanford. www.kingsartcenter.org
Special events
Visalia Home and Patio Springfest runs 11- 4 on Jan. 31-Feb. 2 at the Visalia Convention Center, 303 E. Acequia. Over 350 exhibits of home and garden products and services. www.visaliahomeshows.com
Events by date
Monday, Jan. 20
- Free entrance to National Parks Day, including Sequoia and Kings Canyon parks, in honor of Martin Luther King Day. visitvisalia.com
- Father-Daughter Day Celebration from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the Vintage Press, 220 N. Willis, Visalia, featuring a special children’s menu. Make reservations for lunch or dinner. thevintagepresside.com/father-daughterday
Friday, Jan. 24
- A Night of Comedy featuring local comedian, Tulare County Supervisor Amy Shuklian, at 7 p.m. at the Ice House Theatre, 410 E. Race, Visalia. Dessert and no-host bar at 7 p.m. Show at 8 p.m. 559 734-3900 or visaliaicehouse.com
Saturday, Jan. 25
- The Sequoia Symphony plays a lively mostly-Mozart concert at 7:30 p.m. at the Visalia Fox Theatre, 300 W. Main. 559 732-8600 or sequoiasymphonyorchestra.com
Thursday, Jan. 30
- Country icon Clint Black performs his 35th anniversary of his debut album, Killin’ Time Tour.” 7:30 p.m. at the Visalia Fox Theatre, 300 W. Main. 559 625-1369 or foxvisalia.org
Saturday, Feb. 1
- Edgar Allan Poe Speakeasy at 6, 8 and 10 p.m. at the Visalia Fox Theatre, 300 W. Main. A 21-and-over chilling telling of four of Poe’s iconic stories matched with cocktails inspired by each. 559 625-1369 or foxvisalia.org
- Rollertown’s Pre-Valentine Adult Night from 9:30 p.m. to midnight features a beer garden, a DJ playing records, champagne and chocolate-covered strawberries. 520 S. Linwood, Visalia. 559 733-8686 or visitvisalia.com/calendar
- 1st Saturday in Three Rivers features open studios, food and art shows from 11-5. Pick up a map and schedule at Kaweah Arts, 41841 Sierra Dr. (Highway 198) or the Three Rivers Historical Museum, 42268 Sierra Dr. 559 799-1473 or 1stSaturdaytr.com
Friday, Feb. 7
- Downtown Visalia First Friday Art Walk from 5-8 p.m. Pick up a map at the Arts Consortium, 340 E. Oak, Arts Visalia, 214 E. Oak, or the Brandon-Mitchell Gallery, 117 S. Locust, and visit venues with art, music and snacks. artsconsortium.org
Saturday, Feb. 8
- “Do the Single’s Valentine’s Pub Crawl” from 4:30-9 p.m. in Downtown Visalia. Valentine’s Day is not just for couples. With best dressed contest, games, food and spirits. Tickets: dothecrawl.com/Visalia/Valentines
- “Gal”entine’s Day brunch from 11-2 at The Hyde (formerly the Lamp Liter), 3200 W. Mineral King, Visalia. Paint your Valentine’s glass and take pictures in the photo booth. Facebook.com/thehydevisalia
Friday, Feb. 14
- Valentine Candy Dish Paint Night at 6 p.m. at Watson’s Organic Café, 617 W. Main, Visalia. Enjoy an organic treat and paint a heart-shaped candy dish. Reservations: 559 733-2022