Stan Ellis, candidate for California’s Assembly District 32, issued a statement today in response to Governor Gavin Newsom’s upcoming visit to the Central Valley to tout “progress” on the controversial California High-Speed Rail (CAHSR) project. Ellis described the visit as a “tone-deaf spectacle” and an insult to the hardworking taxpayers and farmers of the Central Valley.
“Governor Newsom’s visit to the Central Valley today is pure political theater. Declaring ‘progress’ after $128 billion in cost overruns and a train to nowhere insults Valley residents, whose farmland has been seized, tax dollars wasted, and trust shattered,” said Stan Ellis. “The Governor admitted in 2019 that there is no clear path to completing this project, yet billions more have been squandered while real local needs are ignored. The Central Valley needs leadership that prioritizes our people, farms, and future—not empty promises. That’s why I’m running for the Assembly.”
The CAHSR project was approved by voters in 2008 under Proposition 1A, which promised a high-speed rail system connecting San Francisco to Los Angeles in under three hours by 2020. Voters were assured an efficient, affordable transportation alternative that would create jobs and benefit the environment. However, the project has been plagued by mismanagement, skyrocketing costs, and repeated delays. The original cost estimate of $33 billion has ballooned to over $128 billion, with only partial construction completed in the Central Valley—far short of the promised statewide network.
In addition to financial concerns, the project has drawn criticism for its environmental and agricultural impacts. Thousands of acres of prime farmland in the Central Valley have been seized, threatening the livelihoods of local farmers and disrupting the state’s most vital agricultural region.
In 2019, Governor Newsom himself acknowledged significant flaws in the project, stating during his State of the State address: “Right now, there simply isn’t a path to get from Sacramento to San Diego, let alone from San Francisco to L.A.” Despite this candid admission, his administration has continued to pursue the project, leading to ongoing controversies surrounding its financial and practical feasibility.
Background on Stan Ellis
Stan Ellis is a lifelong Central Valley resident, farmer, business owner, and advocate for fiscal responsibility. Running for Assembly District 32, Ellis has committed to prioritizing infrastructure projects that directly benefit Valley residents, protecting farmland, and ensuring taxpayer dollars are spent responsibly. Ellis is running to bring common-sense leadership to Sacramento and to end wasteful spending on projects like the California High-Speed Rail.
Tone deaf? The Central Valley isn’t all about the needs of farmers. There are far more Californians who do not work in agriculture than there are those who do. It is quite narrow myopic thinking to think that agriculture is the main driver of employment across California. Once that high-speed rail is up and running people will be ab le to work outside the valley (in Northern Calif and in Southern Calif and still be able to return back home every day to live, shop and spend money right here in the valley. You can’t stop progress forever no matter how much you fight it. It will happen…. and long after in the future most people won’t even remember who the heck Stan Ellis and others like him are after they ride off in the sunset.
So you really think there will be a “high speed rail”? You are as narrow minded as the people you complain about. Clearly you are a Democrat, (rofl).
Nothing narrow minded about concrete facts, the rail is being built as we speak. And since you obviously don’t really believe what your own post says by attaching a made up author’s name to it, I won’t take you seriously “Just me”, Have a blessed day……… if you can.
Stan Ellis should focus on the people he represents – not pointing fingers at the governor.
Stan Ellis what plans do you have to help the district you represent directly? The people of the valley require a leader – what is your plan?