Attendees and exhibitors from around the world returned to Tulare for the 57th Annual World Ag Expo®, the world’s largest annual outdoor agricultural exposition. The three-day show boasted 1,258 exhibitors on 2.6 million square feet of exhibit space, and hosted over 100,000 attendees representing 49 states, the District of Columbia, and 81 countries.Exhibitors reported quality traffic with plans to return. “The World Ag Expo® connected farm-ng with forward thinking farmers from around the world,” stated Nathan Dorn, Business Development Manager with farm-ng. “Our team learned from a marketplace of engaged users. We will be back in 2025 with new tools and capabilities.” Farmers, students, and ag professionals returned in large numbers for the 2024 show. With many exhibitors offering test drives or demonstrations, World Ag Expo® provides attendees the opportunity to network and learn about the latest Ag equipment, services, and technology. More than 100 educational seminars, demonstrations, and workshops were held over three days and covered a variety of topics ranging from irrigation to dairy, livestock to professional development, and more. The Fresno State WET Center Innovation Pitch Event and the Women in Ag Session featuring Senator Melissa Hurtado, and other influential women in agriculture, were notable sessions. “2024 World Ag Expo® was once again a tremendous success,” said Jerry Sinift, CEO of the International Agri-Center®. “Exhibitors and attendees alike have shared that World Ag Expo® continues to provide a great return on their investment of time and money. It is the place to be for anything agriculture.” Ag technology and innovation were yet again a highlight of the event. Autonomous solutions, electric vehicles, and drones continued to showcase the technological advancements featured in agriculture. The 2024 Top-10 New Products contest winners provided a look into the latest innovation and technology ranging from simple solutions to tech-forward items. Other popular attractions at the 2024 World Ag Expo® included various drone displays, WW Livestock Demonstration Pavilion, and Food Booths. The 2025 World Ag Expo® will be held February 11-13. Space renewals are now being accepted from 2024 exhibitors. Potential exhibitors can begin requesting space on March 1, 2024 at ### In addition to producing World Ag Expo®, the International Agri-Center® is also home to the AgVentures!® Learning Center and Museum, the California Antique Farm Equipment Show™, the IAC Livestock & Equestrian Center, and has a wide range of facility rentals available for any size event. Learn more at |