Kings County Sheriff Robinson: Hacker is the best candidate to be the Kings County District Attorney

I endorse Sarah Hacker to be the next Kings County District Attorney because she has the intelligence and temperament for the job. I have known Sarah for about 15 years. We worked together on prosecuting gang cases when I supervised the Kings County Gang Task Force and later in 2009 and 2010 when I was a District Attorney Investigator. Sarah worked side-by-side with investigators by attending witness interviews and putting together cases for trial. She was enthusiastic to take a case to trial and fight for public safety. She does not back down to a challenge. Sarah prosecuted cases fairly. She advocated for harsh sentences when a defendant posed a risk to our community.

The Kings County District Attorney must put our community’s safety first. This means that the DA has to work with all law enforcement to successfully prosecute cases. The DA has put his own agenda before the interests of the community which has caused friction between the DA’s office and our law enforcement agencies. When the DA puts himself first, public safety is the second priority. Also, the DA must prosecute based on the evidence. He cannot prosecute or make plea or diversion agreements based on bias or favor.

The DA’s Office staff deserve a boost in morale and fairness for all in the workplace. The current DA is accused of sexual harassment in a lawsuit filed by his former chief investigator, The case is pending in San Bernadino county. We will not know the outcome of the case before the election.

I am a backer for Sarah Hacker. Join me in voting for her on June 7.

Dave Robinson

8 thoughts on “Kings County Sheriff Robinson: Hacker is the best candidate to be the Kings County District Attorney

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  1. Dave is a fool that lies about CANNABIS! According to Sarah, Dave Robinson is a career politician!

  2. Lies about what exactly and he really hasn’t been in office for long and was a law enforcement officer prior, so what exactly is the definition of a career politician? Please explain , and don’t be vague!

  3. I’ve known Sheriff for years and don’t see why he’d endorse Hacker if not truly needed for our safety. He has zero reason bcz I think he at one time endorsed Fagundes. So something has seriously changed with Fagundes and it’s backed by lawsuits. Fagundes has not once come out to explain why all these lawsuits are there. Sherif obviously sees that Fagundes is not best for us. He said we won’t know about the result of the Fagundes sexual harassment lawsuit before the election?!?! So we are supposed to just take a chance and vote Fagundes in again?!?!?’ That’s too risky for my family because there are concerns here of who we really have for a DA. Sounds like lots of very concerning issues for a person to have and be the DA. I have to follow the Sheriff here and go with hacker. We all should take sheriffs advice because he fights for us everyday.

  4. Is that the same sheriff who’s department was successfully sued for allowing male officers to strip-search female jail inmates? Not really interested in the opinion of a politician who allows mistreatment of those in his care. The question to ask Dave is why does every law enforcement rank and file group in the county support the incumbent ? What do those thousands of peace officers know that he doesn’t? Why is he the only one?

  5. Amazing this was posted as a main article and letter to the editor. Proof Valley Voice is giving more voice to Sarah Hacker. Catherine Doe is a real piece of work

  6. Not as bad as the posts from ex DA employees who worked for Fagundes for a few months but endorse him as a “great leader”. Or the employees that actually live in LA or out of county. What a joke.

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