Exeter Republican Women Federated (ERWF) decided to join forces with Glenn Dembroff, creator of the Open Tulare County Facebook group that now has over 3,000 members. Dembroff and ERWF were determined to infuse rational information and channel a counterpoint to bad science and economic fear brought on by the Coronavirus Pandemic.
The ERWF welcomed members and guests to their monthly general meeting held on Thursday, June 4th. The Exeter RWF is the first in the California Federation of Republican Women state organization to hold a general meeting since the Covid-19 lockdown orders.
The location of this event was at the historic Exeter Woman’s Clubhouse, pre-dating woman’s suffrage. ERWF President Lilly Hart said she was unsure of the number of people who would RSVP but by Thursday “we were getting more and more confirmations,” said Hart. “It was our greatest attended event ever with 73 like minded, happy, excited people walking through our doors. We assured respect to social distancing and our dinner was professionally catered by Visalia’s Pickeled Deli,” said Hart.
Tulare County Republican Party Chairwoman Marianne Headstrom opened the evening meeting by giving a call to action to support Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux at the Board of Supervisor’s meeting Tuesday at 9am.
Ellen Woitalla a member of ERWF and lead Tulare County organizer of the recall Gavin Newsom effort gave an update.
Vicki Riddle, founder of the club, remarked that one of the highlights of the evening was Nick Huerta, the Pickeled Deli owner/caterer appeared moved and stood up following Dembroff’s presentation. Huerta spoke of how proud he was to serve in the military alongside female soldiers. He spoke of the respect he had for our flag and thanked the club for showing their respect in the salute and prayer which opened up the evening. Huerta explained with emotion of his experience draping the American flag over his fellow female soldier’s casket while serving alongside her in Iraq.
There are often as many men as women who attend these meetings Riddle said. “What makes our club unique is that we have three times the amount of attendees as we have members. I feel we provide an educational experience with a good party vibe for all who attend.”
“You know, women are the life of our party,” said Riddle.
These cultists should change their name to the Super Spreader Society. I didn’t see one person in that submitted photo wearing a mask, so it is obvious it was a idol worship meeting for the Trump Death Cult.
“You know, women are the life of our party,” said Riddle.
Sounds like they are determined to be the death of the party. Good riddance.
I hope they discussed the recallgavin2020.com efforts.
Ladies, I’m a republican woman as well. All of us in California need to help sign any petition that gets out a Democrat. Download and sign this recall for Attorney Xavier Becerra. It’s Gavin’s right hand Democrat. Recall is live and time is almost up!!!Please post and tell your friends.
Hey, let me know if you start one of your petitions to recall idiot Supervisors Kuyler Crackhead, Dennis Clownsend, and Pete Vander Drool. These dopes voted to “reopen”, despite California’s warning that it was medically unsafe. Now the new cases per day has doubled from 45 to 90, and Tulare County is the fourth worst California county in covid infections per 1000 population. In the process of holding their improperly noticed and illegal decision, they appear to have flushed $50 million in recovery funds down the toilet.
Natalie you are really funny! Are you trying to audition for a part on Saturday Night Live? Tell you what…if you are looking for a mission with meaning why not download a petition that calls for the resignation of Trump. This week Trump told a Wisconsin crowd that Russians are more reasonable than Democrats even though he knew that Russia is paying Islamic radicals bounties to kill US troops. Trump learned of this from his intelligence officials’ months ago but he continues to do nothing about it. Surely as a proud patriot you would agree that this man is treasonous pond scum. He is far worse than AG Becerra.