Prevention Coalition Hosting Marijuana Conference

The Tulare County Prevention Coalition invites the public to the Central Valley Marijuana Awareness Conference: “The Myths, The Facts, and What Every Community Should Know.”

The conference will be held September 24, from 12-4pm at the Tulare County Office of Education Redwood Conference Center, 6200 S. Mooney Blvd, Visalia.

Lunch will be provided.

Guest speakers will include Dr. Kevin Sabet, Director of the Drug Policy Institute at the University of Florida and President of Smart Approaches to Marijuana, Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux, and Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims.

Admission is free, but registration is required by going to

For additional information, contact Michelle Reynoso at 559-636-4013.

One thought on “Prevention Coalition Hosting Marijuana Conference

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  1. This conference is blatantly political to support the defeat of a California proposition to decriminalize marijuana and as such should not be presented by the County office of Education nor publicized as an educational event. “Dr.” Sabet is not a scientist or an MD and heads a political organization SAM dedicated to defeating State initiatives to decriminalize and regulate marijuana. I have contactd the Office of Education with my concerns and objections to public monies being used for these political purposes!!!

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