Tulare-Kings Right to Life (TKRL) has announced that the name of its annual golf tournament has been changed to the Darrel Waterman Memorial Golf for Life, in honor of longtime TKRL supporter, golf committee member, volunteer and friend, Darrel Waterman. Waterman, a founding member of the Golf for Life committee, passed away unexpectedly at his home in Exeter on April 6.
The 13th Annual Golf Tournament is scheduled for Monday, June 9, at the Visalia Country Club. Entry fee for this four-person shot-gun scramble is $150 per person, which entitles the participant to 18 holes of golf, a light lunch and a catered dinner at the VCC clubhouse.
Check-in begins at 10:30am with tee-off at noon. This year’s first place team will be awarded golf for four at Poppy Hills Golf Course at Pebble Beach. A wide variety of raffle prizes and live auction items, including a limo ride and tickets to a 49ers or Raiders football game, will also be available.
TKRL works for restored moral, cultural and legal respect for innocent human life, reaching out to a society afflicted by legalized abortion, infanticide, assisted suicide and euthanasia. TKRL offers education in these life issues and promotes healing hope for those affected.
For information about sponsor packages and/or registration forms, call April Kesterson at 732-5000 or visit www.tkrl.org.