Former Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum Scheduled to Speak at Local Pro-Life Banquet

Former Senator Rick Santorum
Former Senator Rick Santorum

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, a 2012 presidential candidate, will speak at Tulare-Kings Right to Life’s (TKRL) 19th Annual “Making a Difference for Life” Fundraising Banquet to be held at 7pm on Thursday, September 4th, at the Visalia Convention Center.
Santorum was elected to the House of Representatives in 1990 at the age of 32, and served in the Senate from 1995 to 2007. He became known as a government reformer and was member of the famous “Gang of Seven” that exposed the Congressional Banking and Congressional Post Office scandals.

He served eight years on the Senate Armed Services Committee and was also an author of the landmark Welfare Reform Act, passed in 1996, which resulted in millions of Americans leaving the welfare rolls.

Santorum wrote and championed legislation that outlawed the procedure known as partial birth abortion, as well as the “Born Alive Infants Protection Act,” the “Unborn Victims of Violence Act” and the “Combating Autism Act.” He has fought for a balanced budget and a line item veto. He proposed reforming entitlements and cutting spending, and developed a “spendometer” that added up the cost of amendments to spending bills.

An accomplished author, Santorum penned the 2005 New York Times best seller It Takes a Family.

In addition to Santorum’s message, Tulare-Kings Right to Life will update the community on its work through Latinos4Life, Voices for Life and The IRMA Network. Over the past year, TKRL has educated literally thousands of local residents about pregnancy termination, after-abortion issues, embryonic stem cell research, infanticide and euthanasia.

Sponsorships for a table of eight are $560; individual tickets may be purchased for $75. For more information or to reserve a table, call 732-5000 or visit

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