TLHCD/SIHD Contracts

Click on the “Notes” tab of each document to see key sections and annotations.

Contract, with Valley Voice annotations, between HCCA and Tulare Local Healthcare District:


Contract, with Valley Voice annotations, between HCCA and Southern Inyo Healthcare District:

3 thoughts on “TLHCD/SIHD Contracts

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  1. How about focusing on the doctors that are harassing the patients when they’re going into the clinics “the Altura Clinic” telling them they must vote no and when they say they are voting yes they call them uneducated. People go in the clinics because they’re sick or need help not because they want to hear about your political issues .

  2. Hi Joe how are you hope your day was great.

    I have read everything and it is a very well written contract. Thank you for sharing. Still YES is a great Vote to make sure the hospital stays open for those who love it.

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