Tulare hospital’s creditors lining up in court

Jilted creditors and vendors are lining up in bankruptcy court for some of the Tulare Local Healthcare District’s cash — including Healthcare Conglomerate Associates (HCCA), the district’s former management partner. Those entities also include the City of Tulare, Tulare County, Bank of the Sierra, the district’s interim management consulting company, and the district’s former legal […]

Tulare hospital board votes to settle HCCA lawsuits

 Some legal woes of the Tulare Local Healthcare District could soon be resolved, after the district’s board of directors voted to settle lawsuits with Healthcare Conglomerate Associates (HCCA). HCCA, the management company which formerly oversaw operations of the district’s Tulare Regional Medical Center, was involved in two cases with the district: one legal action […]

Southern Inyo hospital official claims HCCA sent supplies from Tulare, “grossly deficient” in management

Healthcare Conglomerate Associates’ (HCCA) management of the Southern Inyo Healthcare District’s hospital was ineffective, hindered the hospital’s regulatory compliance, and was fiscally irresponsible, a legal filing by the district claims. The filing also repeats claims that the Tulare-based hospital management company shared money and supplies between the Southern Inyo district, which owns the Southern Inyo […]

District attorney provides update on HCCA investigation

An investigation into Healthcare Conglomerate Associates’ (HCCA) conduct while managing Tulare Regional Medical Center (TRMC) continues, Tulare County District Attorney Tim Ward told the public on March 6. At a presentation before the Tulare County Board of Supervisors, Ward stated that his office’s involvement began in the summer of 2017, when the office attempted to […]

Doctor to pursue whistleblower suit against Tulare hospital

A Visalia doctor is attempting to pursue a lawsuit against the Tulare Local Healthcare District (TLHCD) after she claims she was retaliated against for speaking with investigators from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). Dr. Rebecca Zulim claims that she was forced to take a “voluntary leave” from the district’s hospital, the Tulare Regional […]

A note on our commenting system

We’re testing out a new feature that will give each person posting a comment in a story a unique “Commenter ID.”   This ID will belong to that person throughout their comments on that story only, regardless of whether their commenter name is changed. It won’t persist through multiple articles.   We hope that this […]