Tulare County Library is happy to welcome you back into our Branches. All branches are now open to the public with modified services, except the Terra Bella Branch which reopens in the fall of 2021.
Library Branches are now open for browsing, reference questions, public computers, printing services, self-checkout, and applying for library cards. Pick Up continues to be offered for patrons upon request. When visiting Tulare County Library Branches, please be aware that patrons are encouraged to wear masks, limit visits to one hour, and social distance. Other safety measures are in place and expect to be lifted once the county shows a higher number of vaccinated citizens. Our programs and events continue to be virtual for the near future including the annual Summer Reading Challenge. Find current hours on our website or by calling your local Branch.
All Tulare County Library Branches now have self-checkout machines that use RFID (radio frequency) technology to provide touchless checkout of Library items. Patrons simply scan their card at a self-checkout station, put their items on the station, and the items will be checked out automatically. Staff is available to help in using the self-checkout stations.
Tulare County Library serves all the citizens of Tulare County with locations in 17 communities, five book machines, the literacy center, Pop Up Tulare County outreach, and online at www.tularecountylibrary.org . Find your local branch on Facebook and Tulare County Library on Facebook www.facebook.com/tularecountylibrary, Instagram, @tularecountylib, or Twitter twitter.com/TulareCountyLib to learn more.