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Year-end message from Visalia Rescue Mission CEO Michael Simmon

Dear friend,

It can be difficult to adequately describe the magnitude of the challenge that our clients and staff face as they do the work of the Visalia Rescue Mission. Isaiah 42:16 paints the clearest picture:

“And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them.”

Every day the team at VRM points our clients to a future they cannot imagine. The pain and shame of their lives and their choices bury them in hopelessness and fear. It is our great challenge and great joy to point them to a Savior who tells them that His yolk is easy, and His burden is light.

At its core, the Visalia Rescue Mission exists to introduce the most broken and vulnerable in our city and county to the life transforming power of Jesus Christ. As we enter this holiday season, we celebrate the good work of God in relationships restored, addictions overcome, the hungry fed, and the lost finding hope and salvation in Jesus. As we look back at this year, and what the Lord has accomplished we can’t help but join with the author of Psalm 115 and declare, “Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name be the glory, because of Your love and faithfulness.”
This doesn’t happen apart from the generous support of donors like you. Here’s a look at the impact your support has made in our city:

Visalia Rescue Mission receives $0 in federal or state funding that would limit our ability to proclaim the Gospel and force us to compromise our Statement of Faith. We are 100% funded through private donations from individuals, families, and other like-minded organizations like you.

The need in our city and county is greater than ever. We are seeing levels of addiction, homelessness, and overdose deaths unlike anything we could imagine. Visalia Rescue Mission is standing in the gap for some of the most broken of God’s creation.

This holiday season, we need to raise $250,000 to continue and expand the work of pushing back the darkness and proclaiming hope to the hopeless. This work is hard and expensive. We cannot do it without the support of those in our community whose hearts burn to see the broken in their city restored through the Gospel and the work of the Visalia Rescue Mission.

Would you join us?

Chief Executive Officer
Visalia Rescue Mission

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