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Youth vaping epidemic ongoing during pandemic

The youth in our county have been denied classrooms, groups of friends and usual activities for over 4 months due to COVID 19.  Are they bored?  I would say “yes”!

Another epidemic is occurring in our state and bored youth are its perfect target.  The epidemic is teen vaping.  A lot of people, including the youth, think vaping is a safe alternative to smoking cigarettes.  Maybe some don’t realize that those tasty flavored vaping liquids are loaded with nicotine to addict the user.

The tobacco industry has purposely used enticing flavors to appeal to youth.  Big Tobacco needs addicted young people to replace tobacco quitters and those who die of tobacco-related illnesses.  They’re in this for the profits.

Let’s put pressure on through our local officials and legislators to eliminate flavored vaping and tobacco products and ensure that vape shops and tobacco stores in our county are not selling harmful products to our youth.

A local tobacco retailer licensing program can help with that.

Maureen Bianco
Tulare County Tobacco Coalition member

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