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PFLAG Tulare & Kings Counties: Our families deserve better

LGBTQIA2S+ people are under attack. Especially transgender and nonbinary folks. We know from history and science that there have always been those who are queer or intersex or gay or asexual or gender nonconforming. We know that these are normal variations of the human condition. Biology is complicated. Yet some people choose to see this as a danger. There has been a huge increase in laws limiting the freedom of individuals to use the names and pronouns they choose and the restroom best fitting their gender. There have been laws to prevent students from competing in sports as their own gender. There are laws to prevent minors from receiving the treatment that they and their parents want for them in accordance with their medical and mental health providers. The end game has been spelled out—the aim is to force transgender adults to detransition. To achieve this, laws have been passed in some states to prevent teachers, medical providers and mental health professionals from discussing sexuality, gender, race, abortion, and other important topics. By not allowing access to accurate information in schools and libraries, young people are learning from their peers and the internet—sometimes very unreliable sources.

Ignorance and hostility to the LGBT+ community put our youth at higher risk of physical and mental health problems, poverty, substance abuse, homelessness, and other adverse outcomes. When the entire community supports and celebrates its LGBT+ members everyone prospers.

This harmful and unnecessary anti-LGBT+ legislation is why the Human Rights Campaign has declared a national state of emergency for LGBTQ+ Americans. Limiting free speech, bodily autonomy, access to knowledge, and parents’ rights to appropriate medical and psychological treatment for their children is un-American, and we need to call it out. It is time for straight allies to stand up and demand an end to this persecution of our LGBT+ friends and families. Vote as if their lives depend on it—because they do.

PFLAG Tulare & Kings Counties Board Members
Kathryn Hall, MD
Cathy Brass
Katia Clark
Jonathan Ward
Rev. Suzanne Ward
Jim Reeves

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