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Here There Be Monsters

Here we still are, sailing into the unknown, all hands on deck and expecting virtually anything in the absence of reliable charts. While I will admit we may have gone overboard with some public restrictions–especially those outdoor activities during which a safe distance can be maintained–the time has not yet come to open entirely.

It’s not a political or economic calculation. Politics evolve and economies recover.

It remains a public safety concern.

Until the medicos and other experts give more of an all-clear, we should largely continue doing what we have been these past weeks. It is what has made our curve here in California so shallow. Please, don’t be confused by anything else.

So, even though there is no chart to navigate by, stay the course. Stay home and try to enjoy it. Enjoy your children, if they’re home, or your parents, if they are. Read. Indulge in your favorite hobby or craft. Attend to the yard, or try to accomplish some of those household projects you’ve been contemplating.

The quickest way through this is to continue. Much as I’d like one–and ridiculous as I now look–I can forego a haircut. I don’t need to go bowling, see a movie or eat at a restaurant. Yes–it’s painful all around, particularly for those who are unemployed and those whose personal economy has been torpedoed. But we’ll hear the proverbial “Land-ho!” much faster by holding steady.

Chin up, then–and here’s to that fine day when we can count our blessings instead of tallying all the catastrophes.


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