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Where’s My Parental Rights? Referendum to Stop SB277 is Out

Now that the Governor has signed SB277 into law that mandates all children are vaccinated or they will not be allowed into public or private schools, the backlash has started.

Yes Senator Pan is a pediatrician in his other life, but that should mean he has the knowledge of those children who have had adverse reactions to vaccines. The issue is the reporting of such cases. Most are overlooked by parents as just a regular thing to expect like a fever. We always gave our children a dose of Tylenol when we got home with them. Swelling and redness at the shot sight is considered normal.

The more serious issues are nausea, being lethargic, fainting or even seizures, although these items don’t seem to get linked to being vaccinated, and are causes that happen that mostly unreported or not classified into the vaccine injury file. Doctors seem to want to classify that as a fluke, a one in a million nonissue unrelated to the vaccine they may have had in the last 24-72 hours.

Being under the order of mandatory vaccination, whether you child has experienced any side effect, has now been thrown out the window. Severe allergies to ingredients, previous adverse reactions including seizures and genetic predisposition to adverse reactions do not qualify for a medical exemption any longer. Your child will be vaccinated or they will not be allowed to attend school.

Under the California Constitution your child is guaranteed an education. Every child has a right to a public education. Denying education to a select few is segregation and discrimination. Vaccines are required for admittance to school as we all know and everyone except a select few, do follow along. The percentage of children who experience side effects is only 2.5%. So you would think that small percentage of children for their health would be allowed an exemption.

Did you know EVERY SINGLE Pharmaceutical Company in the U.S. has pled guilty to fraud? In the past 5 years, drug makers have paid the U.S. Government $19.2 billion in criminal and civil FRAUD penalties.

SB 277 will force children to receive 35 doses of 10 federally recommended vaccines to attend daycare or school. Six of the mandated vaccines do not prevent transmission of the disease and will not improve the safety of public spaces. The U.S. child’s vaccine schedule has DOUBLED since 2000. By 2016 the CDC requirements for 5 year olds will rise from 35 to 53 doses.

Vaccines are ruled “Unavoidably Unsafe” by the U.S. Supreme Court. Vaccines cause injury and death. Manufacturers are not liable for any harm caused by their products.

3.1 BILLION dollars have been compensated with tax-dollars for vaccine injury or death. In the last 15 months, there have been 42,000 new VAERS (vaccine adverse event reports) entries, 10,000 were serious, requiring emergency medical treatment or hospitalization, and there were 179 more deaths.

Some parents find vaccines created via aborted human fetuses morally unacceptable.

With the latest release of videos by a watchdog group conducting an undercover sting on Planned Parenthood, we now hear the admission of Cecil Richards, an American activist and president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America since 2006, admit that fetal tissue is used to help find cures for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and is an ingredient in the new Ebola vaccine.

This was stated Sunday July 26 on This Week with George Stephanopoulos. You remember the Ebola outbreak that President Obama allowed onto US soil to save people.

Senator Richard Pan stated there were no fetal cells in the vaccines in the hearings at the Capitol.

So what exactly is going on here?

Then there’s the issue of recall of Senator Richard Pan, who as an Assemblyman wrote the bill AB2109 which was a vaccine bill to raise the rate of the unvaccinated children which it did, and that Governor Brown wrote in an exemption himself on it. It was a religious exemption. Did that cause a rift between now Senator Pan and the Governor?

It was also strange that when SB277 hit the governor’s desk that he signed it in less than 24 hours. He had already begun to receive phone calls, faxes and emails against signing the bill since his own father was the one to first place an exemption clause for vaccines into effect back in 1961.

It also hits the ‘anti-vaccine’ crowd that over $500,000 was paid out to legislators on the Education and Health committees, over $94,000 just to Senator Pan. Also for the first time in history Senator Pan turned to his lobbyists at the hearing, where over 1,000 men and women attended to voice their opinion against, to ask for advice after he was admonished by the chair of the committee.

So if SB277 was written to override AB2109 just to make his mark in the Senate, I think he barked up the wrong tree.

There are other legislators on the list for recall for their votes to take away your parental rights under the guise of mandatory vaccinations.

And they aren’t stopping with just this bill. There is also SB792 directed towards daycare center adults and AB1117 which would create and implement the California Childhood Immunization Quality Improvement Fund (CCIQIF), which, in a response to a lack of official requirements, seeks to increase vaccination rates of Medi-Cal recipient children under two years of age. The fund would create financial incentives for vaccination in the form of expenditures allocated to health care service providers and plans who encourage their patients to vaccinate.

Because it targets low-income recipients of Medi-Cal, the bill is discriminatory.

It would also serve to further burden Medi-Cal funding, an already contentious program politically and economically.

Where is our civil rights to medical freedom?

What gives the legislative power of our rights to our bodies over to the state? All the legislators who accepted money from the drug companies will have to answer to the people for their actions.

So when school starts this law is NOT in effect. It’s supposed to take effect 7/1/2016. If you have an exemption on file it will be honored.

When the signatures are collected and turned in, the law actually stops. The signature verification process will commence and the people voices will be heard. Watch for this on the November 2016 ballot.


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