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Marmie Fidler announces her candidacy for the Tulare local Health Care District

Editor’s note: Marmie Fidler was appointed to Tulare Local Health are District 3 last year. This is her first election.

I am Margaret (Marmie) Fidler, and I am running to be re-elected to the Tulare Local Health Care District 3 seat in Tulare. I was born and raised in Tulare and have spent my entire life here raising my four children and my grandchildren. I  have seen it all throughout those years in relationship to our hospital. I was actually born there myself in 1951 when the hospital opened and had my four children born there as well as 3 of my grandchildren. I remember the hospital when it was one of the best in the valley, and I lived through all the trials and tribulations of the last 10 years watching the hospital’s reputations going down in the minds of our citizens. In growing up here I was taught by my parents that if you want to change something you need to stand up and do something to change it. I have spent my adult life volunteering and working to support my children’s schools, various organizations here in Tulare as well as running a business in order to make whatever difference I could in the improvement of our city. I believe the best thing to happen to our hospital district in the past 4 years is for Adventist Health to come into our community, donate millions of dollars to help our hospital, and join all of us in gaining a new path forward to again having the best hospital in the valley.

I truly believe that without this hospital we will no longer be able to attract companies to invest in our city, we will not be able to give all of our families, yours and mine, decent health care as well as mental health care, and we will be forced to travel to other cities for care in cases of extreme emergencies. I see first hand the care and compassion Adventist Health is treating our citizens with and I know they are invested in making our hospital what we want it to be. The future is ours to determine now, and if all of us can join together, work together and take advantage of what Adventist Health has given us we will again be the best in the valley.

I am working along with the current board to build/lease to suit new facilities for attracting new doctors, we are working to finish the tower which is continuing to be worked on during the past two years, inside and out, and to work at recruiting new doctors to add more specialties to our hospital. One of my main areas of interest is to partner with other agencies in the area to improve mental health care opportunities to help our young people as well as our elderly citizens get the support and encouragement they need to lead happy and productive lives.

I feel that because I have lived through everything the hospital has experienced, because I believe our hospital is absolutely essential to the health and well-being of everyone living here or travelling through our city, and because I will work tirelessly to do everything I can to support the hospital and use what I have learned in running a business, a household and my experience in serving on other boards I will be an excellent board member for our Local Health Care District. I ask for your vote on November 8, 2022.


Marmie Fidler

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