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Nunes Statement on Maguire’s Testimony

Congress Member Devin Nunes has not addressed his constituents during this turbulent time in our nation’s history but the following are his comments before the hearing of Joseph Maguire, Director of National Intelligence (Acting)Office of the Director of National Intelligence concerning the Whistleblower’s Complaint.

“I want to congratulate the Democrats on the rollout of their latest information warfare operation against the president and their extraordinary ability to once again enlist the mainstream media in their campaign. This operation began with media reports from the prime instigators of the Russian collusion hoax. That a whistle-blower is claiming that president Trump made nefarious promises to a foreign leader. The release of recent transcript to this central assertion has already been debunked.

The Democrats moved the goalpost and began claiming there doesn’t need to be a quid pro quo for this conversation to serve as the basis for impeaching the president. Speaker Nancy Pelosi went further when asked earlier if she would put brakes on the impeachment if the transcript turned out to be benign. She responded, so there you go, if the whistle-blower operation doesn’t work out, we have many candidates for impeachable offenses. That was her quote.

So there you go. If the whistle-blower operation doesn’t work out, the democrats and their media assets can always drum up something else.

And what other information has also come to light, the complaint relied on hearsay evidence provided by the whistle-blower. The Inspector General did not know the contents of the phone call at issue. The Inspector General found the whistle-blower displayed arguable, political bias against Trump. The Department of Justice investigated the complaint and determined no action was warranted. The Ukrainian president denies being pressured by president Trump.

So, once again, the supposed scandal ends up being nothing like what we are told and once again the Democrats, their media mouth pieces and their cabal of leakers are ginning up a fake story with no regard for the monumental damage they’re causing to our public institutions and to the trust in government. And without acknowledging all the false stories they propagated in the past, including countless allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to hack the 2016 election. We’re supposed to forget about all those stories, but believe this one, in short, what we have with this story line is another Steel Dossier.

In the Democrats mania to overturn the 2016 elections, everything they touch gets hopelessly politicized, with the Russia hoax, it was our intelligence agencies and now today the whistle-blower process is the causality. Until about a week ago, the need to protect that process was a primary bipartisan concern of this committee. But if the democrats were really concerned with defending that process, they would have pursued this matter with a quiet, sober inquiry as we do for all whistle-blowers. But that would have been useless for them. They don’t want answers. They want a public spectacle and so we’ve been treated to an unending  parade of press releases, press conferences and fake news stories. This hearing itself is another example, whistle-blower inquiries should not be held in public at all. As our senate counterparts, both Democrats and Republicans, understand their hearing with Mr. Maguire is behind closed doors, but, again, that only makes sense when your goal is to get information, not to create a media frenzy.

The current hysteria has something else in common with the Russia hoax. Back then they accused the trump campaign of colluding with Russians when the democrats themselves were colluding with Russians and preparing the steel dossier. Today, they accused the president of pressuring Ukrainians to take actions that would help himself or hurt his political opponents. Yet there are numerous examples of democrats doing the exact same thing.

Joe Biden bragged that he extorted the Ukrainians into firing a prosecutor who happened to be investigating Biden’s own son. Three democratic senators wrote a letter pressuring the Ukrainian prosecutor to reopen the investigation into former Trump campaign officials to reopen the investigation. Another democratic senator went to Ukraine and pressured the Ukrainian president not to investigate corruption allegations on — involving Joe Biden’s son. According to Ukrainian officials, the democratic national committee, contractor Alexandra Chalupa tried to get Ukrainian officials to provide dirt on trump associates and tried to get the former Ukrainian president to comment publicly on alleged ties to Russia. Ukrainian official Surje Plushenko was a source for Nellie Ohr as she worked on the anti-Trump operation conducted by Fusion GPS and funded by the democrats.

And of course democrats on this very committee negotiated with people who they thought were Ukrainians in order to obtain nude pictures of trump. People can reasonably ask why the democrats are so determined to impeach this president when in just a year, they’ll have a chance. In fact, one democratic congressman, one of the first to call for Trump’s impeachment, gave us the answer when he said, quote, I’m concerned that if we don’t impeach the president, he will get re-elected, unquote. Winning elections is hard and when you compete, you have no guarantee you’ll win. But the American people do have a say in this and they made their voices heard in the last presidential election.

This latest gambit by the democrats to overturn the peoples mandate is unhinged and dangerous. They should end the entire, dishonest, grotesque spectacle and get back to work to solving problems. Judging by today’s charade, the chances of that happening any time soon are zero to none.”

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