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My Love of Archery

Foothill 4-H member Grace begins shooting practice, while new members start learning about archery. Nancy Vigran/Valley Voice

When I grow up I want to do great things in my life. I would watch my dad do archery all the time, so I wanted to do that, too. I also wanted to do archery after watching the movie, Brave, so I signed up. I work very hard practicing archery. It has taken me a long time to get it, but I am still learning.

Archery is the best sport to me. I am thinking about also joining the Lindsay Swim Team to build up strength in my arms. Another reason I wanted to do archery is because I watched people doing archery on TV and it looked fun. It is!

I was doing archery with Tulare 4-H, it was a good year, but the leader quit. So, Brandy stepped up to lead us. We needed property to practice on, so my Dad and Mom said we could have it at our house.

That is why I love archery.

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