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NASS Modifies Publication Schedule for Rice Prices

Issued March 11, 2015 by the Agricultural Statistics Board of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. For more information contact Anthony Prillaman,, 202-720-2127

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) is modifying the publication schedule for rice prices. The year-to-date U.S. monthly prices and marketings, as well as the preliminary marketing year average prices for rice normally published each year in the August Agricultural Prices report will now be published in the October Agricultural Prices report. The October report will also include the year-to-date monthly prices and preliminary market year average price for California medium and short grain rice, as well as the final monthly medium and short grain rice prices and marketing year average price for all other estimating states. The August Agricultural Prices report will continue to include prices by length of grain for both the full months of June and July, as well as the previous year’s July price.

NASS will continue to publish the final monthly U.S. rice prices and marketings, the final U.S. marketing year average price by length of grain, and the final monthly prices and marketing year average price for California medium and short grain rice in the January Agricultural Prices report.

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